Terms and Conditions


Sessions are available according to times stated on the Surrey Tennis Coaching website: www.surreytenniscoaching.com 

Sessions and instructors are subject to change with no prior notice.

We reserve the right to refuse entry to a session or advise a more appropriate session/course if any participant is found not to be of the correct age/ability, or is unable to complete a session/course due to being in the incorrect age/ability group.

Booking into sessions

Players may book a place on Surrey Tennis Coaching sessions for themselves or their child up to 7 days in advance.

Players/Parents must use the booking link provided by Surrey Tennis Coaching in order to book their place on a particular session. No other methods will be considered as acceptable forms of booking.

If there are no bookings on a particular session 24 hours before the start time of that session, then Surrey Tennis Coaching reserves the right to cancel the session without having to communicate the cancellation to customers.

Waiting lists

Each session will have a maximum number of attendees allowed. This is to ensure the quality of the session and the safety of all participants.

Once the maximum number of attendees is reached, a waiting list will be created and customers will be contacted if places become available.

Customer Details Changes

You agree to advise us immediately of any change to your details held on our customer database.


Surrey Tennis Coaching reserves the right to suspend or terminate your session/s if you behave in a way that breaches Surrey Tennis Coaching code of conduct. (see below: Surrey Tennis Coaching Code of Conduct)


You are responsible for the payment of the sessions.

If, despite us having notified you of a missed payment, further payments are missed, we reserve the right to, at our sole discretion, terminate your sessions, upon having given you written notice of our intention to do so.

Price changes

From time to time we may need to increase the price of our sessions. We will give you at least 1 full months' notice of any incoming price increase and will make it very clear when the price increase will take effect and how much your sessions will cost after the increase.


“Refunds will only be provided if we are unable to provide the booked classes. Please note that any cancelled sessions due to weather will be rescheduled or a credit will be provided for future bookings.”

Sessions may however be suspended (at the discretion of the management team) for the duration of a major medical absence / injury break, or other unforeseen circumstances, and resumed thereafter at no loss of time. Please note, this policy does not apply for minor injuries. 


Where possible all disputes will be prevented by open and honest communication between player, parent and coach. Where this is not possible, please put your dispute in writing to James at hello@surreytenniscoaching.com highlighting the issues you wish to raise. Surrey Tennis Coaching will then investigate the dispute and put in place processes to solve the dispute.

No Show

If a player is a ‘no-show’ to a particular session after having booked on the session, then we reserve the right to not issue a refund for the session.

Photos and videos

After joining the Surrey Tennis Coaching programme, you agree to having your/your child’s photograph taken by Surrey Tennis Coaching at any time whilst taking part in the sessions which will be used for website and social media post and adverts to promote the coaching programme. 

If you find an image or video of you/your child on our promotional channels (such as our website and social media pages) that you’d like us to remove, please email us at hello@surreytenniscoaching.com and we will do so immediately.


You confirm that you/your child does not suffer from health problems that would hinder exercise or prevent you/your child from engaging in exercise, or that would be detrimental or adverse to you/your child’s health, safety or physical condition if you/your child did exercise. In case of any doubt, you shall seek advice by a medical doctor who should confirm the ability to exercise.

Surrey Tennis Coaching shall have no obligation to perform a fitness assessment or similar testing to determine your/your child’s physical condition.


It is our philosophy to try and run coaching sessions wherever possible and therefore we generally ask that participants attend the start of their session regardless of the weather.

Coaching will only be cancelled in advance if the appropriate forecasting tools (e.g. MET Office Rainfall Radar) indicate with certainty that the session would be unsafe to run. If it is not predictable with certainty, the decision on whether to cancel the lessons will be made on the courts immediately prior to the lesson start time.

Cancellation of one group lesson does not necessarily mean that other lessons will be cancelled that day. If you choose not to attend on doubtful days then you risk missing the class if it takes place.

We will do our best to use the venue facilities to provide activities when the weather makes on court tennis impossible. This may include goal setting, match charting, physical training and open forums.


Surrey Tennis Coaching cannot accept liability for any claims, damages, costs and demands in respect of death or personal injury arising from the use of the facility and our sessions by the customer pursuant to this agreement except insofar as such death or personal injury arises from negligence on the part of the Surrey Tennis Coaching staff.

Surrey Tennis Coaching cannot accept responsibility for the loss of or damage to personal property incurred whilst on the premises.

Miscellaneous Terms

In the event that a single term, condition or rule is found to be unenforceable, all other terms, conditions and rules shall remain unaffected.

If we take no action or let you off any breach of this agreement or give you extra time to pay or comply, it will not stop us enforcing the terms of this agreement strictly at a future date.

You agree that your first and last name/your child’s first and last name will be shared with Surrey Tennis Coaching for the purpose of confirming who has access to the premises.

Surrey Tennis Coaching Code of Conduct

Player Charter

Whilst attending Surrey Tennis Coaching sessions, it is necessary that all players abide by the authority of the coaches, who represent Surrey Tennis Coaching. Aggressive behaviour towards staff or other players will not be tolerated.

All players are expected to take all their rubbish with them and leave the tennis courts, change rooms and bathrooms clean and tidy for the next player to use and enjoy.

Behaviour such as swearing, racquet throwing etc. may result in a warning or withdrawal from the session and the programme. Bullying in particular will not be tolerated. Parents will be informed should their child be involved in any incident involving disciplinary action, and individuals may not be allowed to continue with their coaching should their behaviour continue to adversely affect the group.

Early morning and late evening players please be mindful of the local residents who live nearby. Try to keep loud conversation and outbursts on court to a minimum.

Lost property, balls or equipment found should be handed back to the owner or to the nearest available staff member.

Parents Charter

At Surrey Tennis Coaching we appreciate that supporting and advising parents is absolutely key from an early age. We ask for your support by following the below guidelines.

  1. Praise effort over outcome (Growth Mindset)

  2. Try to encourage independence by not watching every training session and match

  3. Encourage your child to show respect and appreciation

  4. Look for positives and reinforce these as much as possible

  5. Be consistent with your messages and behaviour, children like consistency.

  6. Encourage internal motivation by making your child feel competent, autonomous and related.

  7. Try not to do anything for your child that they can do themselves, this could include packing their tennis bag or carrying it to the ground.

  8. Attend a minimum of 3 of the 6 yearly parent education workshop

Coach Charter

All Tennis coaches will sign up to adhere to the ‘Coaching Handbook’ which covers the coach etiquette in great detail. The main 5 points from this have been summarised below:

  1. Coaches must adhere to our core values at all times

    1. Energy

    2. Trust

    3. Quality

    4. Progression

  2. Coaches will provide a positive learning environment by ensuring players are appropriately challenged and supported.

  3. Coaches are to be responsible for seeing CPD opportunities and commit to a mentoring programme with the Director.

  4. Coaches will treat each person with dignity, equality and respect and get to know the person not the player.

  5. Coaches will be friendly and approachable when speaking to parents and attend open days, competitions and education sessions. 

Tennis Courts

No studded shoes to be worn on the tennis courts at any time.

There is no dress policy for the courts, however, players must not play shirtless at any time.

Chewing gum whilst on court is strictly forbidden.

Persons behaving in a manner likely to disrupt the enjoyment of, or endanger other users of the courts, may be asked to leave. No refunds will be given.

Should any damage occur during the period of court usage then the user will be responsible if caused by their negligence. Any damage must be reported immediately to the appropriate member of staff.

No Smoking Policy

In the interests of Public Health and comfort, smoking is not permitted on the courts, or clubhouse.